Year of design: 2019
Design by: Mireille Wehbe
Collaboration: Chaccra
Description: Ceramic,
Liquid Bright Gold 24k
Dimensions: Ø 300 mm
The idea behind Thali is to offer different small dishes on one single plate.
Rice is the main dish which occupies the central portion of the Thali and the small bowls are placed along the edge of the round tray.
Contemporary Thali is a new design that focus on choosing a new material for this product while choosing a traditional Nepalese crafts : “Ceramics” .
Thali Ceramics are a constant starting again from scratch in order to go beyond.
Beyond colour, which becomes the expression of life.
Beyond ceramics, in order to stretch out towards a mysterious presence.
Beyond material, in order to develop a contemporary thali design.
Thali ceramics go beyond simple aesthetics.
Behind this ensemble of pure forms, it is an exploration of colours, and freedom in creating a new design of Bhojan Thali.
In this design, it is about the strength of Colours and signs.
The power of Colour overlaps with the great power of Signs.